Hi lovelies! Happy Thanksgiving

I am sooo thankful for all of you guys. I appreciate your support
.tsg. is participating in Skin Addiction's 7th Annual Black Friday Weekend, where participating designers have marked down select skins just for you! With a minimum 25% discount, you are bound to find your new favorite skin(s) for a great price!
The sale is from 11/25 - 11/27 ONLY
***You must be in the Skin Addiction group & have the tag active to get the discount! Please grab a copy of detailed instructions at the mainstore before you buy!***
Angel eyes are available soon @ Uber 11/25 Creators Choice round
Standard LL eyes + Mesh lens
mod copy ok!

Stay warm this SL winter with PomPom ear muffs & necklace. This exclusive can be found at Tannenbaum Holiday Market on Nov 25th
Both are unrigged and fully mod!
Happy Holidays~